Prepare your Lien Law Forms using
/Save time and money by completing and processing your Florida Lien Law forms using was created by Florida construction attorney Myrnabelle Roche, Esq. and is now available free of charge.. includes the following Florida Lien Law forms:
- Notice to Owner
- Waiver and Release of Lien
- Claim of Lien
- Notice of Nonpayment
- Satisfaction of Lien
- Final Affidavit
Why pay an attorney $200 or more per hour to prepare a Claim of Lien when you can do the same thing yourself for a lot less money? Our online software guides you step by step through the process of completing and processing your lien law forms. Our online software also includes the following:
- Automatically calculates your lien law due dates!
- Extensive Florida Lien Law Help Topics and FAQ's!
- Up to date Florida Lien Law forms and information!
Florida law now mandates that only the lienor or its attorney can prepare a Claim of Lien. Don't pay a non-lawyer for an unenforceable (and possibly illegal) Claim of Lien! Do It Yourself with